
Hi Jenni! Hope all is well! I just wanted to show you that my most recent blood test came back and I am no longer pre diabetic! I obviously still have to be careful and will be following the same eating/food track, but it's such a relief! I seriously could not have done it without all your help! So thank you thank you thank you!

In a word, Jenni Tasca is a force. She comes into your life and teaches you everything you never knew about healthy eating, nutrition and managing a happy, balanced lifestyle. Within days, I felt better and had more energy. Within a few short weeks, I was meeting some of my nutritional goals and bounding with more energy than ever. The best part is that I felt absolutely supported every step of the way with Jenni's process. I was making better decisions with her guidance and was able to maintain that same healthy lifestyle months after we completed our work together. I would recommend Jenni to anyone that is interested in feeling better, stronger, healthier. She's a joy to work with and I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from her.

I started working with Jenni right before Thanksgiving. I was feeling fatigued, had headaches, and my digestion was really off. Jenni was so incredibly helpful and showed me how nutrition can improve so many of my issues! She gave me a meal plan with so many great recipes that I'm still using months later. She even went to more than one grocery store with me, making it much easier to navigate grocery shopping and teaching me how to pick the healthiest foods and snacks. She was so incredibly nice and supportive throughout the whole process, encouraging me to text her as often as I needed and wanted to. Fast forward 4 months and I've never felt better! All of my issues have been resolve and I've even lost some weight. Jenni really is the best and I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to clean up their diet and feel their best.

“I wanted to share some good news this morning about my bloodwork: my triglycerides came down from 472 to 146! Thank you so much for everything. We are still practicing your teachings everyday.”

I love having Jenni as my nutrition coach. She makes eating healthy fun! She is passionate about helping people accomplish their own personal goals and is quick to answer any questions or concerns you may have about food and your body. Her approach is simple and effective. She is an expert in this area, has tons of great recipes, snack options, and is an inspiration to all those around her. She gives you a new attitude on having an overall healthy lifestyle.

Through Jenni’s guidance, I realized the numerous misconceptions I had acquired through my lifetime of what I thought was proper nutrition. She gave me a true understanding of real nutrition and healthy living. Jenni never gave up on me and was with me throughout my journey. To date, I have lost 19lbs!

“Thank you for the roadmap. This is the first diet that has worked for me since my 20s!”

I wanted to share with you that on Saturday I attended a friend's wedding and I was so worried about the food and alcohol intake, but I made sure I had lunch at home before I headed out. I made a huge chicken salad with hard boiled egg and lots of watery vegetables. ️️The wedding dinner was not as hard as I thought. I had steak and salad BUT I did have more wine than I had anticipated. I had 3 glasses of wine and I had a wedding cookie. I didn't beat myself too much as I jumped back on the wagon Sunday morning with a green juice for breakfast, and a successful day of meals. I wanted to thank you for giving me the tools to make better food choices. I've learned in these past couple weeks is that I'm in control of what I put in my body. I now know the benefits of eating dairy-free and gluten-free are not just for weight-loss but also increased energy, no acne and OH YES-- fitting into that pretty dress I bought 2 months ago! When I bought the dress I couldn’t zip up! I can't thank you enough.

Eating healthier has kept my energy up and given me the confidence to know I can handle stress and make good choices. I went shopping for new, smaller clothing a few weeks ago and that felt great. I am wearing a sweater I haven’t worn in a year and it feels big on me.

This is absolutely not a diet. If more people tried your program they would understand how wonderful it is to never be hungry and have plenty of energy. Your explanations were helpful and your patience was essential. Your support will make the rest of my life fulfilling because I am comfortable wearing my bikini, dressing up to go out, and going out with friends to restaurants without feeling guilty. I can always find something to eat that is yummy and enjoy a glass of wine on special occasions. Thank you so much for giving me my body back.
-Wendy (lost 20 pounds)

I think we're about at the end of our month :(
I can't thank you enough! I'm able to fit in a dress I adore that hasn't fit for six years!